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Our background
iRemedi's core competence are its wide network of experts with deep industry, domain or skillset knowledge and experience. iRemedi's experts are verterans with over 10 years of experience in their core competence. Whether ERP Functional or Technical expertise in products from Oracle, SAP, Peoplesoft, Siebel or JDE to industry skillsets in Java, J2EE, .Net, Object oriented or SOA and intergration technology Experts at iRemedi are acknowledged and accomplished leaders.

Our network
iRemedi experts or employees or associate partners. They are architects with deep understanding within their vertical industry. Whether Healthcare, Retail or Manufacturing, our experts have the same iRemedi brand of problem solving, creative talent and approach that sets iRemedi apart in the brilliant solutions that they create. They all adapt the iRemedi methodology to generate the recognizable brand value that is iRemedi.

Our approach
In client engagements, an iRemedi expert gets assigned as a lead architect who carries the customer engagement through complete satisfaction of customer need. iRemedi partner experts get to enjoy parttime involvement as needed, remotely or occasionally to benefit from the extra handsome income that they may otherwise not benefit from their current fulltime position. This can be a steady flow of bonus or alternate income while retaining and sharpening ones skillset.

Click either the career or Associate Partner to be come an iRemedi expert.

Contact us

2505, Madison Commons,
Atlanta, GA- 30360

Telephone: (404)432-5477
Email: info@iRemedi.com